National University Degree Subject List (BA/BSS/BBS/BSC) 2022

 National University Degree Course's Subject List

Bangladesh national University e degree degree course here we will details national University degree subject. National University has 6 course in total. 

I am sharing degree course name and then I will share you degree subject list. Let's now degree course BA BSS BBS BSc.

University has many course now I will  this subject list. Degrees most important  for national University. If you are looking for degree course and Subject list for you.

Degree (pass) Course's

Here are 6 degree pass course from national University Bangladesh
Many college and University r4 most popular degree  course. BA, BSS, BBS, BSC.
  1. BA (Bachelor of Arts).
  2. BSS (Bachelor of social science)
  3. BBS (Bachelor of business studies).
  4. BSC (Bachelor of science).
  5. B Sports (Bachelor of Sports).
  6. B Music (Bachelor of Music).

Degree BA subject list

National University degree Bachelor of arts (BA) subject list are the the following below.

  1. Economics
  2. Political science
  3. History
  4. Sociology
  5. History and culture of Islam
  6. Islamic studies
  7. Philosophy
  8. Geography and environment
  9. Home economics
  10. Social work
  11. Psychology
Degree BSc subject list

National University degree Bachelor of Science (BSc) subject list are the the following below.
  1. Physics 
  2. math
  3. chemistry 
  4. zoology 
  5. Botany 
  6. statistics
Degree BBS subject list

National University degree Bachelor of business studies(BBS) subject list are the the following below.
  1. Accounting 
  2. management 
  3. economics 
  4. marketing 
  5. finance and banking

Degree BSS subject list

National University degree Bachelor of Social Science (BSS) subject list are the the following below.

  1. Economics
  2. Political science
  3. History
  4. Sociology
  5. History and culture of Islam
  6. Islamic studies
  7. Philosophy
  8. Geography and environment
  9. Home economics
  10. Social work
  11. Psychology
Degree B Sports subject list

National University degree Bachelor of Sports (B Sports) subject list are the the following below.

  1. Science of sports training 
  2. exercise  physiology Sports mechanism  
  3. Sports psychology 
  4. sports nutrition care & prevention of sports injuries and sports management

Degree B Music subject list

National University degree Bachelor of Music (B Music) subject list are the the following below.

  1. Music history 
  2. music theory 
  3. music technology
  4. Music performance
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