Computer Hardware and Software Troubleshooting problem solutions 2022- shs world bangla
Computer Hardware and Software Troubleshooting
1. Operating system lading time
Our result Your computer is presumably infected with a contagion. You can try any good antivirus.
Problem Type Operating System
2. PC hangs constantly
Our Solution If the PC hangs or restarts for no reason, check if the RAM niche is duly installed. also, if you're using multiple RAMs, make sure they all have the same machine speed. It's veritably important to use RAM with same busspeed for system stability. It can also be caused by a contagion.
Type of problem Hard fragment, CD ROM, RAM
3. Need help opening the computer containing
Our result Opening the computer covering is veritably easy. You can do this just by paying attention. generally there are 2 2 = 4 screws behind the covering to open it. Turn off the power force before opening the covering. open all the entrapments from the reverse of the motherboard.
still, you have to open the left part of it, If you look at the covering from the front. You'll need a good square screwdriver to open the two screws on the reverse. Keep the open screw precisely.
Once the screws are loosened, separate the cover from the side of the covering. generally the cover has to be opened by sliding it back a bit.
Problem Type Other Hardware
4. I want to set up Wi- Fi at home
Our result If you want to use WiFi on a laptop, also just buy a WiFi router. And if you want to use it on the desktop, you have to buy a separate appendage for the desktop. Or if you want, you can work on the internet and networking with the LAN string from the router on the desktop. There are two types of routers available in the request. 54 Mbps and 300 Mbps. It's possible to get a 54 Mbps router for around 2200 rupees. And setting up a router is veritably analogous to setting up string internet. You can do it fluently by looking at the applicable primer.
Problem Type Internet
5. Problems with Google Chrome
Our result If you have any third party add- ons installed on your Chrome, remove them. You can also cancel cybersurfer history andcookies.However, use the newest and rearmost interpretation of Chrome, If that still does not work. Chrome generally releases a new interpretation every week.
Problem Type Internet
6. CD drive problems
Our result If the CD drive is SATA, try changing its harborage. And if the CD drive is veritably old, it's important to clean its head.
Type of problem Hard fragment, CD ROM, RAM
7. Ways to identify different corridor of a computer
Our result To get an idea of the colorful corridor of the computer, you need to open the covering first. To do this, wind the two screws at the reverse of the covering and look outside.
1. The main big circuit board you see is the motherboard. And the power force is on top of the covering at the reverse. A number of red, unheroic, black or blue cables come out of the power force. Some of these are connected to the motherboard and some directly to other tackle similar as CD drives, droopy drives, hard disks.
2. Find out which processor is on the motherboard by locating its cooling addict. generally it's slightly left above the motherboard. Direct viewing isn't possible for the processor addict.
3. RAM is generally on the right side of the processor. 2- 4 places depending on the model, oblong.
4. To figure out which soundcard is which, find the device where the speaker's input jack fits.
5. also, you can know which bone
is your plates card with the examiner string.
6. In the same way you can find modem( telephone string), LAN card( broadband internet string).
7. Power string with thin red, unheroic, black or blue cables. White or red wide lines are data lines.
8. Image does not appear on the monitor
Our Solution: If the monitor does not display and the LED lights keep flashing, then there is a problem with the graphics/video card or the monitor cable connection is loose. Check the connection. Sometimes changing the RAM slot solves this problem. You can try to resetting the bios settings.
Problem Type: Other Hardware.
9. What is the way to understand the problem of graphics card?
Our Solution: If you hear three short beeps after switching on the power of the monitor and the PC, then the problem is with the graphics card. Unplug your graphics card and plug it into another PC to make sure it's fine. And if it is built-in graphics, you can test it by putting a separate graphics card in the AGP slot. You can reset the bios settings to solve the problem of integrated AGP.
Problem Type: Other Hardware.
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